Rabies is a deadly virus that can be transmitted through a dog bite. It is the most severe infection you can have due to a bite. Worldwide, there are approximately 50,000 deaths annually because of rabies disease. (
https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/rabies.html). Fortunately, that risk is quite negligible in the United States, but it is still important to get medical attention if you are bitten by a dog, especially if the dog is acting strangely.
When you get a bite, do comprehensive research to know if the dog has had a rabies vaccine. If it has not, or you can’t tell for sure, go to the hospital emergency room immediately.
Additionally, know that rabies signs may manifest within one to two days after the bite. However, some may even start to manifest after one year. The initial rabies sign is prickling around the infected area, followed by confusion and aggressiveness. You may have paralysis, sensitivity to bright lights, and/or muscle spasms, as well as difficulty speaking.
Keep in mind that some dogs haven't had a rabies vaccine, and puncture injuries are susceptible to infections.